Oh the New Year...New Year is my absolute most favorite holiday! There is just something simply magical to me about a brand new big ole' blank 365 days! It's about renewal, hopes and dreams. If I'd have to pick just one word to describe me, it would be definitely be Dreamer! I'm still learning how to put all my dreams into action, thus goals and ultimately accomplishments... because I could also be described as a bit of a procrastinator... I just like to think of it as I work better under pressure. LOL!
When I thought about and dreamed of 2015, so so many thoughts and things I wanted to accomplish were running around in my head like a gaggle of 3 year olds on a massive sugar high. Then I ran across the idea somewhere in my travels thru cyberspace of picking just one word, just one word to focus you year on.... one word?!?! Hhuuumm, it was really hard, but finally I decided on PRESENT. For me this one word means to be "in the moment" whatever that moment is....I'm a constant multi-tasker (as are most women (no offense to the gentlemen)). I will respond to texts while also trying to listen to my sons current question. I'm impatient when my husband tries to show me affection if I'm in the middle of trying to complete something else. I'm not proud of it, it's just the truth. So with these things in mind (just to name a couple, there are 100s) -- PRESENT is my focus for 2015.
As I know there are for you too, there are many things I want to accomplish in 2015, in my spiritual life, my "around the house" life, in my relationships and in both my day job and for It's Scrapicated.
-Declare God's promises over my and my family & friends:*Keep out the Negative self-talk - counties effort to redirect negative thoughts whenever they creep in and try to take hold.
*Continually look for God's favor in our life by keeping a Gratitude journal. I got the coolest Gratitude Journal HERE
*Be continually in a mode of growing closer to Jesus thru bible study and serving as his hands and feet.
Note: We recently on 12/26/14 had the opportunity to help serve a meal at the at the homeless overflow shelter here in Springfield, IL. It was a fantastic experience! Create many MORE OF THESE OPPORTUNITIES and also include the kids.
Around the House:
Oh this is so long overdue - I bought the house we live in back in May 2003 when my ex-husband and I divorced, while some things have been updated, some things are LONG overdue and some just need done to make our home more "us"
-Complete several minor and MAJOR "Home Improvement" projects
*Hall Bath Makeover (New wall paint, new shower curtain, try my hand at chalk paint/wax on the vanity and over the toilet cabinet) Here's the new shower curtain I purchased as is one the way... so EXCITED! Shower Curtain ------>
*Laundry Closet - Oh the laundry closet!!! It is exactly that - A closet in the hallway - NOT FUNCTIONAL! Well, it's functional as it houses the washer/dryer but by adding a vibrant paint color to the back wall, adding some new storage and hanging solutions I think this will serve us much better!
*Put the TV above the Fireplace!! While this should probably fall into the "minor" category; all of the drywall from the fireplace wall and the 1/2 wall that connects HAS TO BE REMOVED to get the "wires" relocated. Believe me on this; I've had at least 3 different companies out here to try ANY other solution!!
*Master Bedroom/Bath Makeover - This one isn't overly complicated, it's just going to require some time and some money. This is the only room that still has the original construction grade carpet in it! YUK!! I am NOT NOT NOT a fan of carpet pretty much anywhere in the home; area rugs - love them. Carpet, no. We plan to extend the flooring that covers our living room into the master, new paint, new textiles etc etc. I don't have all the design details worked out here yet, but I do believe THIS is the inspiration piece for the room! LOVE! IT~
Kitchen/Dining Remodel -- This is the biggy!!!! There is a wall between our kitchen and living area; it needs to GO! Our house is small and modest and I think by removing the wall (I already know it is not load bearing) will make the space so awesome! The dining room table will move back as I plan to buy a pub-high table that has corner seating -- You can see the table I have in mind HERE We also plan to add a 2 seat breakfast bar on a functional base cabinet to give us back some of the storage we will loose (The wall that is leaving is lined with cabinets) Of course then there will be new appliances, glass tile backsplash and new countertops. This is a dream I've been carrying around for years!!!!
This is our current set up - You can see the floor that will be extended into the Master, were the new mounted TV will go there is a mirror now and in the far right of the pic is the wall that MUST GO!
That's a big list for "around the house" I know -- These things also spring board over to the Goals for It's Scrapicated.....
It's Scrapicated
*Blog More!!!
I plan to document and blog each of the projects I listed under "around the house". I certainly do not know it all about DIY, I know enough to know when I need a contractor though... LOL As It's Scrapicated is a big part of who I am, many project created in the It's Scrapicated style will no doubt be a part of how the projects come out
*Expand Make N' Take
I've gotten a lot of interest about bringing the Metal Make N' Take classes to other towns, I'm diligently working to get that off the ground. Girls night outs are a BLAST, but more fun if you don't have to then drive an hour to get home. More to come
*Create YouTube Tutorials
In the spirit of the first two I'd like to use my YouTube Channel to create the tutorials on the "How to" that is learned in the Make N Take workshops and then offer a "kit" to create it that can be shipped.
*Move all Custom Orders to Etsy
I lose stuff!!!! AND I forget! This could be an organizational issue, but I think if I move everything using CUSTOM LISTING functionality to Etsy once we agree on a proof; this helps not only keep track but it puts everything in one place for my income tracking too -- The IRS seems to care about that income thing quite a lot! LOL
The Day Job
Yep that's it -- Just BE THERE mentally, physically, and spiritually and continually look for the ways to grow in my interactions and accomplishments.
I've been doing my current job for what will be 12 years in February, I know how to do it, not to sound overly conceited, but I'm pretty gosh darn good at it, (Duh! I should be I've been doing it 12 years). I struggle with being present because I think about that 30 year mark so much. I really do like my day job and my boss is pretty cool too. After 12 years working for the same person, they also become your friend. I just also after 27 years have other things I want to do (i.e.... It's Scrapicated) So just being present and being the best employee I can be is my focus (yea, cheesy I know)
and finally.....
Grow my relationships with my husband, kids, family and friends!!!!
I do not really have any "bullets" for this other than this simply means taking the time to cultivate the relationships in my life. I chose not to go to several events in 2014 with my husband because I was "working". It's kinda sad, but it's true. Back to being PRESENT! We plan to do a couple long weekends with our kiddos (Thinking Chicago and maybe St. Louis for the Summer). And we're definitely taking a week long kid-free vacation somewhere that includes sand, saltwater & umbrella drinks. I will make being present with my family a priority in 2015 creating a little more "white space" in the calendar and ensuring my planning skills are TOP NOTCH!!
I thank each and every one of you from the bottom of my heart for 2014! It was ah-mazing! and I pray for God's mercy, grace, favor and love to shine brightly on each of you in 2015!
Peace, Love & Glitter!
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