
Friday, October 17, 2014

Let's MERGE!

Well hhheeelllooo there!!!

It's been a while!  I've really been focusing a lot since summer came to an end on my little business, It's Scrapicated so haven't had much time to manage the blog.  If you're coming over from It's Scrapicated, I also have this little blog called "Livin the Midllife" and here is my plan to deal with losing my web hosting for It's Scrapicated......

Ssssooo as the story goes, I got a notification from the folks that host my  "It's Scrapicated" website that they were no longer going to be doing web hosting and I need to move my website to another host.  Well, isn't that just DANDY!  I thought ... I can barely figure out how to create a post let alone figure out a new "web host" so I decided to just combine all things here.  I like BLOGGER, it's easy and super-bonus... It's FREE!!!! Since It's Scrapicated is such a huge part of who I am, and well, it is definitely part of "Livin the MidLife" for me, and I must say having one big ole' WWW site vs. two makes things easier for me.

*****For those of you com in' over from "It's Scrapicated" I will only share posts related to Its Scrapicated specifically on the It's Scrapicated FB page as not to present you with content that you may not be interested in. ******

I also have a "Living the MidLife" Facebook page which you can find HERE if you'd like to have "un-Its Scrapicated" blog updates related to this crazy thing we call "MidLife" appear in your FB Newsfeed.  All other social media channels (Pinterest, Instagram & Twitter) will continue to be a mix of all things me and are in most cases named "Its Scrapicated". You can use the "Let's Connect" icons to get tuned to all my social media outlets related to It's Scrapicated  if ya fancy! (see em' over there to the right near the top?.... the little flower looking' things) It only took me about 6 hours to figure out how to do that... Please feel free to silently applaud - :)

This may just very well be a blessing in disguise and I'm looking forward to having just "one" website/bloggish thing.   I have my first vendor gig this weekend with It's Scrapicated.  I'm both nervous & excited.  It'll be interesting as I have no idea what to expect..... having said that, there are metal pumpkins (Hot Pink & white CHEVRON) that are in need of polka dots & ribbons and the clock is ticking so I better scoot!

Talk to you very soon!! & I hope you get out to enjoy this beautiful fall weather!!!

Peace, Love & Glitter!!!

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